RTG 2408 - Maladaptive processes across physiological barriers in chronic diseases


 In the ARCHIVE you can find an overview of all past events.


Upcoming events

RTG 2408 Summer School

19-22 Aug 2024: RTG 2408 Summer School

The 2024 RTG 2408 Summer School will take place from 19-22 Aug 2024 in Magdeburg.

Further information will follow.

19-22 Aug 2024 | Magdeburg

RTG 2408 Annual Retreat

25-27 Sep 2024: RTG 2408 Annual Retreat

All members of RTG 2408 will meet from 25-27 Sep 2024 in Aschersleben for their Annual Retreat.

Further information will follow.

25-27 Sep 2024 | Aschersleben


Last Modification: 23.04.2024 - Contact Person:

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